
This page contains key sections of the Final Report for the project focused on results to date. It should be no more than 2 pages long. An initial draft can be created at any point during the project, and can be refined as the project progresses.

System and Model Performance

To be updated as we progress

Show the performance of the best system and model(s) developed, showing clearly the performance metrics and improvements over the baseline system as appropriate. Create visualizations that show clearly these results.

Discussion of Findings

  • Words such as aircraft, runway, approach, landing, light, taxi, etc. occur more frequently.

  • Incursion accidents mostly happen on-ground during taxi, initial approach or landing CA, TX and FL have very high number of incursions.

  • Human Factors and Aircraft Issues are the leading primary causes of most incursions

Limitations and Future Work

To be updated as we progress

Discuss any limitations of the work to date, how these limitations could be addressed in future work. Discuss what lines of work are most promising given the understanding of the problem and the data gained throughout the project.

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